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Five Things Friday - Favorite Race Signs
We’ve all been there... In the middle of a race - no matter the distance - and you see a spectator on the side of the course holding a sign that makes you laugh or gives you inspiration and suddenly you realize you will be okay. You will get through the race.Here are five of our favorite [...]
Runner Safety
Keep these tips in mind! Whether you run in the morning or afternoon, in the dark, or daylight, you need to do your best to stay safe. After hearing of recent runner attacks, it’s important to remember these tips for runner safety. Be alert If you run in the dark, it’s best to not run with headphones. Since [...]
Tuesday Training Tip - Stretch It Out!
Today's training tip is STRETCHING. We all know that stretching after running is very important. It helps to stretch out those muscles you used while running, it makes you more flexible, and it extends your range of motion. But did you know that stretching BEFORE running can be just as important? In a recent Shape Magazine article, According to Michele [...]
What's On Your Playlist?
Last week, Melody completed her first triathlon, Top Gun down in Ft DeSoto. Congratulations Melody! She swam, biked, and ran her way to the finish line with a smile on her face. During Melody’s training for the triathlon, her and I ran together several times and one of the many things we talked about was music playlists.To listen or not? I [...]
Tip Tuesday – Run Every Day
For our Tip Tuesday, we are going to talk about running every day. Run every day to clear your mind, help get through challenges you may be facing, and build up your stamina. Long miles are not necessary and the consistency of running every day will help your body to burn fat. Mileage Is Not Important Many people run every [...]
Ways To Beat Running Boredom
It happens to all runners - running boredom. It could be one reason or many. You might get tired of running the same route or distance all the time. Or maybe you don’t like running alone, or need some new tunes in your playlist. The good news is, there are plenty of ways to beat running [...]
Biggest Mistakes I Made When I Started Running
Looking back on my early running days, I think about all the things I did “wrong” without realizing it at the time. While it’s partly true that to run, you just need to put on a pair of shoes and run, there is more to it if you are going to run regularly.Running Shoes My first pair of running shoes were [...]
Tuesday Training Tip - Cool Runs Are Better Runs
When is the best time of day to run? That is a question that is asked frequently. Your schedule aside, remember that cool runs are better runs. Day or Night? During the summer, run at the coolest time of the day. Depending on where you live, this could be morning or night. Run before the sun is high in the sky [...]
Confessions of a Marathon Husband - Part 2
The other day, I shared with you my point-of-view about my wife signing up and training for her first marathon. If you haven’t read it yet, you can read Part 1 here. And now, picking up where I left off… Race Weekend-My defining moment YEAH! We made it through the last 4 weeks without killing each other and set out [...]
Confessions of a Marathon Husband - Part 1
I am a marathon spouse! I want to share my experience and all the emotions, the highs and lows and finally the absolute joy and elation of being a marathon spouse. So much effort goes into supporting your spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, child or anyone else who may be training for any type of distance event. We have that common [...]